Tuesday, January 13, 2009

January 2009 Newsletter

Newsletter for Paradigm 97
January 11, 2009

On our birthday January 20, 2009, we will be 12 years old !
PARADIGM DEFINED: 1) an outstandingly clear or typical example or archetype.2) a philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations, and the experiments performed in support of them, are formulated.
We believe that nurses need each other for support during the "lean and mean" days to help survive them. We offer research results and other ideas to enrich the nursing experience.


Nerve Injuries During Venipuncture by Sue Masoorli, RN

What is the procedure if the patient- during venipuncture- states that it felt like an electric shock went down the arm? This feeling of shock is a classic symptom when a needle point contacts a nerve. This could result in a permanent nerve injury and perhaps a malpractice charge involving the nurse… and this is not uncommon.

Two nerves which are most often injured during venipuncture are the radial and median nerves. The radial passes along the thumb side of the arm from the shoulder down into the wrist area close to the cephalic vein; the cephalic vein is preferred in most instances. This distal three inches of the radial nerve, JUST above the thumb, is the area most injured during IV procedures.

The median nerve, the largest nerve in the arm, runs inside the antecubital fossa, passes through the forearm into the palm of the hand. When blood is being drawn from the antecubital fossa or when inserting peripheral IVs, this nerve could accidentally be contacted and injured. Also, insertion of IV catheters into the superficial veins of the inner aspect of the wrist above the palm can result in serious injury to the median nerve and carpal tunnel syndrome.

If the patient complains of a feeling of electric shock as the needle is being inserted, the appropriate intervention is to remove the needle immediately causing only minimal damage.and prevents permanent injury. However, if the nurse continues with the procedure, a permanent , progressive, and painful disability resulting in reflex sympathetic dystrophy or Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) can result.

The patient’s symptoms can include: hypersensitivity to temp changes, a mottled and cold hand/ forearm, excessive nail and hair growth, and the inability to lift heavy objects. CRPS is diagnosed by nerve conduction studies and the patients’ history. Treatments can include long-term pain control with narcotics, multiple nerve blocks, implanted morphine pumps, TENS units, splints, and/or casts.

The Infusion Nursing Standards of Practice* can be used in court to determine if a nurse delivered appropriate infusion care to the patient. The standards state: “site selection should avoid areas of joint flexion”. The wrist and antecubital fossa are areas of joint flexion and insertion of peripheral IV catheters into these areas can result in the decision that there was a deviation from the standard of practice.

Also, nerve compression injuries can occur when an infiltration of a large amount of IV fluid enters the tissues creating compartment syndrome. The length of which determines the amount of nerve damage. If, when the patient complains of tingling, the infusion is not stopped, a fasciotomy is required to relieve the pressure and a second surgical procedure required to close the wound.

Nerve injury related to venipuncture is one of the most common areas of nursing malpractice and one in which the nurse is considered the primary defendant.

Therefore, anytime the patient complains of tingling or “electric shock” during venipuncture or IV infusion……..the infusion must be stopped immediately.

Reference: Nursing Spectrum, September 20, 2004 FL, p. 14.

* Infusion Nursing Standards of Practice 2000 11/12 (5).


JudiZYDECO@AOL.com (judi) just informed me that she has achieved Master of Science Health Administration , Congratulations, Judi........very well done !
The Center for Nursing Advocacy announces the publication (2/3/09) of Sandy's new book: Saving Lives: Why the Media's Portrayal of Nurses Puts Us All at Risk. With striking examples and an irreverent style, the book explores nursing stereotypes from TV shows to the news media, and it explains how these images affect real-life decisions about nursing. The book also offers a comprehensive plan to help everyone improve nurses' image--and public health. Saving Lives has already won high praise from many leaders in nursing and the media. Order your copy of Saving Lives from the Center now! For each copy you order from us, your donation will allow us to send an additional copy of the book to an influential member of the media who needs to know what Saving Lives shows: how many media products damage public understanding of nursing. ssummers@nursingadvocacy.org

This is my donation to this section:
LEO GERARD America's Choice
From sea to shining sea, America is suffering with an avoidable condition she brought on herself, like a hangover. She did it by choosing over the past 30 years to establish an economy that worshiped avarice. Now America must decide whether to continue basing her economy on the destructive policies of deregulation, de-unionization, globalization and privatization or to construct a new financial system focused on industry and profit shared by the workers who produce it.

Please remember that the REUTERS articles are usually good for only 30 days only
Bitter Fruit for Better Weight Loss
Are the rumors true? Could grapefruit -- touted for years as a weight loss wonder -- actually work? Possibly. In one 12-week study, obese people who ate half a grapefruit before each of three daily meals shed more pounds than their counterparts did.
The polar bears live only in the Arctic at the North Pole and penguins live only
in the Antarctic at the South Pole .
Think that you don’t have to worry about your blood sugar if you’re diabetes-free? . New research suggests that your blood sugar levels may shorten your lifespan, even if you haven’t been diagnosed with diabetes.... http://www.realage.com/ct/tips/7883
Are you a Facebook member? If you are, you may be interested in knowing that there is now a group called The National Nurse Campaign. We urge you to join this group and share it with others who may be interested in learning more about the Office of the National Nurse initiative.
Don't forward chain emails. Many chain emails are sent by professional spammers who use the chain to harvest working addresses. Once you forward on a chain email, the spammer has confirmation that you exist—and you'll get a lot more unwanted mail where that came from. http://cdn.rsys1.net/ig.rsys1.net/responsysimages/tne/__RS_CP__/trendsetter_sept08_top5.html

More Than Half of U.S. Chronically Ill Adults Skip Needed Care Due to Costs

You can read the article by Commonwealth Fund Senior Vice President Cathy Schoen and coauthors at http://content.healthaffairs.org/cgi/content/abstract/hlthaff.28.1.w1.
(Reuters 12/14) - Researchers have identified six new gene mutations linked to obesity and said on Sunday they point to ways the brain and nervous system control eating and metabolism.... Study finds six new gene mutations linked to obesity
(Reuters 12/17) -Promising New Drug for Melanomoa In an early-stage trial involving patients with melanoma that had spread to other sites in the body, a biological drug dubbed ipilimumab was generally well tolerated and showed signs of attacking the malignancy, researchers report.
"Ipilimumab can induce both clinically relevant responses and long-term stable disease," lead investigator Dr. Jeffrey Weber told Reuters Health....
Evidenced-based Nursing: Aim. To provide a critical analysis of key concepts associated with evidence-based nursing (EBN) to substantiate an operational definition for nurses to use in practice.
Background. Despite the plethora of literature surrounding what evidence-based nursing is and is not and how it differs from its cousins, evidence-based medicine and evidence-based practice, nurses still struggle to get evidence into practice. Several reasons for this have been reported, for example, a lack of understanding about what evidence-based nursing means or time to engage with and apply the evidence into practice.
Design. An in-depth critical review and synthesis of literature was undertaken. http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/121561180/abstract?CRETRY=1&SRETRY=0
RANDOM FACT... The 57 on Heinz ketchup bottle represents the
number of ingredients in the sauce.
The impact of a good practice manual on professional practice associated with psychotropic PRN in acute mental health wards: An exploratory study As required or pro re nata (PRN) psychotropic medicines are frequently used in acute mental health wards. PRN is known to contribute to polypharmacy and high doses of antipsychotic medication. Few studies have attempted to improve clinician's use of these potentially harmful drugs.
(Reuters 12/16) - Real-world colonoscopy benefit seen more limited Screening for colorectal cancer by colonoscopy seems to prevent about two-thirds of deaths from colon cancer, rather than 90 percent as has been widely claimed, a study indicates....
(Reuters12/15) - Certain breast cancer survivors who load up on fruits and vegetables, eating far more than current U.S. guidelines, can slash their risk the tumors will come back by nearly a third, according to a U.S. study released on Monday.... Fruits, veggies slash breast cancer risk: U.S. study
(Reuters 12/13) - A screening schedule that alternates between a breast MRI and a mammogram every six months may do a better job of spotting early cancers in high-risk women than an annual exam, U.S. researchers said on Saturday....
Rotating breast cancer tests helps high-risk women
The federal government has launched a simple five-star system that gives an overall rating on the quality of nursing homes. The ratings are available on Medicare's Web site - at www.medicare.gov/NHCompare - and are based on information that has been available from the site for several years. http://www.jsonline.com/features/health/36419899.html
(REUTERS 12/16) Women who want to stop smoking may face more troublesome withdrawal symptoms and need different interventions than men but can be successful if they find the right help, Mayo Clinic experts say... http://www.reuters.com/article/healthNews/idUSTRE4BF61I20081216
U.S. researchers say HIV can travel through a woman's healthy genital skin and infect immune cells in just four hours. The discovery of this new transmission method contradicts the long-held belief that the vaginal tract lining was an effective barrier to HIV during sex. http://news.yahoo.com/s/hsn/20081217/hl_hsn/hivcanpenetrateawomanshealthygenitalskin;_


RANDOM FACT...Two-thirds of the world's eggplant is grown in New Jersey.
(Reuters 12/15) - U.S. scientists have developed a tiny sensor that can detect small amounts of cancer-causing toxins or trace the effectiveness of cancer drugs inside living cells.... Nanotech sensor detects toxins in living cells
Aspiration: Preventing a Deadly Complication in Vulnerable Populations The purpose of this module is to educate nurses about how to identify patients at high risk for aspiration and how to protect patients from aspirating.
TalkLight Quiets Bayhealth Med-Surg Unit On a quest to provide a more restful setting for patients to recuperate and a calmer workplace for staff, the 1A medical-surgical unit at Bayhealth Medical Center's Kent General Hospital in Dover, Del., installed the TalkLight, a sound-level meter that looks like a traffic light.
FDA alerted consumers nationwide not to purchase or consume more than 25 different products marketed for weight loss because they contain undeclared, active pharmaceutical ingredients that may put consumers' health at risk.... http://www.fda.gov/medwatch/safety/2008/safety08.htm#Weight
Six diet trends you should never try

<> the New Year, when the vast majority of Americans resolve to lose weight--but before you even think about starting a diet to drop pounds fast, I’ve compiled a list of the worst diets around so you won’t waste your time on them. This list isn’t just my opinion, either; I sought the help of registered dietitians who are members of the Weight Management Dietetic Practice group of the American Dietetic Association. Here are the nominees: http://eating.health.com/2008/12/11/5-diet-trends-you-should-never-try/?xid=hts081222&utm_source=health&utm_medium=email&utm_content=body-link-1&utm_campaign=hts081222-html&PromKey=XET
Maybe they’re called "magical fruit" in children’s rhymes for a reason . . .Just not for the flatulence-producing reasons kids obsess about. What really makes beans magical is their potential effect on your waistline: Bean eaters weigh less on average than non-bean-imbibing folks do. ... http://www.realage.com/ct/tips/6493 To get help for the flatulence: Bean-zyme Anti-Gas Digestive Aid, 100 Tablets, Food Enzyme Dietary Supplement, ONLY $1.25 Shipping per Bottle, $6.95 per bottle. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000CQY9EK?ie=UTF8&tag=ra%5Ftod%5Fsupmed-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=B000CQY9EK
RANDOM FACT... Only 55% of all Americans know that the sun is a star.

Sentinel Event: As health information technology (HIT) and “converging technologies”— —are increasingly adopted by health care organizations,1,2 users must be mindful of the safety risks and preventable adverse events that these implementations can create or perpetuate. Technology-related adverse events can be associated with all components of a comprehensive technology system and may involve errors of either commission or omission...

Food Safety:
Avoid Food Poisoning and Prepare Clean Foods
Critical Care Nurse Personality and Coping after a Critical Incident Critical care nurses frequently experience emotional, traumatic events that are physically and emotionally overwhelming. Such events are termed critical incidents. Critical incidents are commonly viewed as a difficult but realistic part of working in intensive care units, emergency departments, and other critical care areas. Critical care nurses repeatedly are left to deal with their personal emotions, thoughts, and vivid recollections of critical incidents without structured support or guidance. Many nurses develop critical incident stress with ineffective coping patterns that impair their critical thinking ability, performance, and overall well-being. If left unresolved, critical incident stress contributes to an increase in medication and treatment errors....


Johnny and his doctor
His pediatrician asked six-year-old Johnny, who watched a good many TV, adds, just to make conversation. Johnny, if you found a couple of dollars and had to spend them, what would you buy?”“A box of Tampax,” he replied without hesitation.“Tampax?” said the doctor. “What would you do with that?”“Well,” said Johnny, “I do not know exactly, but it’s sure worth two dollars.With tampax, it says on TV, you can go swimming, go horseback riding, and also go skating, any time you want to.”

Those that are-----Free and Otherwise.........
IF you have a favorite CEU/CME site, please share !
Send your links to me: RNFrankie@AOL.com

Free CEs http://www.myfreece.com/welcome.asp


Can either pay $8 / course OR pay $26.99 for a year for all the CE courses you want to take
www.nurse.com Pay Only $34.99 for a full year of CONTACT HOURS .

Always on the lookout for interesting websites / links. Please send them to:RNFrankie@AOL.com.


the National Nurse's new website: http://nationalnurse.org/

This website (for registering the CELL PHONES) was sent in by Laregis@AOL.com (Laura) who sends in a prodigious amount of articles for the Newsletter. Thank you !

Very interesting website on analyzing handwriting and finding those who lie:
Any time you want to check a rumor (and please do before sending articles/stuff in)
This site has passed the Snopes.com test

Food Safety: Avoid Food Poisoning and Prepare Clean Foods

The following are from BAcello
Tools on Clinical Topicshttp://www.kfmc.org/providers/nh/tools/index.html
Mobility Decline Materials and Resourceshttp://kfmc.org/providers/nh/tools/mobility/ Infection Control Jeopardyhttp://tinyurl.com/64ytgn APA Practice Guidelines plus related tools & resources (free download)http://www.psychiatryonline.com/pracGuide/pracGuideHome.aspx This site includes many areas of nursing.


http://www.ihi.org/ihi Institute for Healthcare Improvement Organization

SunMed Greenline/D MacIntosh No. 3 Laryngoscope Blades Sun Med and FDA notified healthcare professionals of the Class 1 recall of Greenline/D MacIntosh No. 3 Laryngoscope Blades.... http://www.fda.gov/medwatch/safety/2008/safety08.htm#GreenlineD
Psoriasis Drug Safety Concerns The FDA announced a new black box warning and labeling change for efalizumab (Raptiva). Efalizumab is available as a once-weekly injection approved for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis treatment among adults who are also candidates for systemic therapy or phototherapy.

Measuring Drainage: To measure nasogastric drainage from newborns and small children quickly and accurately, place a mucus trap between the suction and the nasogastric tubing. You don't have to open the closed drainage system, just check the amount and tip the trap to empty it into the suction bottle. This will be especially helpful when you can't easily estimate a small volume. Wendy Dabney, RN

Used with permission from 1,001 Nursing Tips & Timesavers, Third Edition, 1997, p. 75 Springhouse Corporation/www.springnetcom.

from the members
This ad is from Decubqueen (Gerry)..........Accu-RulerAccurate wound measurement designed by nurses, for nurses. Now carrying wound care and first-aid supplies at prices you can afford. By using the following code: Paradigm10 , you will get 10% off of their first order. ( I have ordered through Gerry...and it was a very satisfactory deal. )
Visit us at http://www.accu-ruler.com/.

No new members this issue Please send the prospective members' screen names and first names to me: RNFrankie@AOL.com
NOTICE: I attempt to send newsletters to your current email addresses on file and if the newsletters are rejected THREE consecutive times, I must then delete the email address until you contact me with an updated email address; I have no way to reach you without a correct email address....You could always send me your Home number.......lol So please send me your new name/address, ok? RNFrankie@AOL.com
OLD ADDRESS: donald.edwards@mchsi.com

NEW ADDRESS: mle1675@gmail.com (Mary)



GingerMyst @AOL.com (Anne), GALLO RN @AOL.com (Sue), HSears9868 @AOL.com (Bonnie), Laregis @AOL.com (Laura), Mrwrn @AOL.com (Miriam), and Schulthe @AOL.com (Susan)
MarGerlach @AOL.com (Marlene) and RNFrankie @AOL.com (Frankie) ~~**~~**~~**~~**~~**~~
The intent of this PARADIGM BYTES Newsletter is to provide communication and information for our members. Please research the hyperlinks and information provided by our members. The articles and web sites are not personally endorsed by the editors, nor do the articles necessarily reflect the staff's views.~~**~~**~~**~~**~~**~~

I am a big believer in the 'mirror test.'
All that matters is if you can look in the mirror
and honestly tell the person you see there,
that you've done your best.
--John McKay

Hope to see you online..... Frankie