Friday, February 10, 2012

From NurseNet.... All about J&J

perrycare44@COMCAST.NET (Sarah) wrote:

About a week or so ago I sent a request to J&J for Progress reports, the two latest ones, about their "Future of Nursing" campaign. They have arrived and I was almost shocked to see how little they have to report. What they call progress amounts to a lot feel good reports of distribution of pamphlets, T-shirts, advertising and facebook sorts of things. If I were not a nurse I might feel good about J&J and what they are doing for nursing. But I am a nurse, so I was looking for something tangible. I thought I had found it when they talked about the money they raised for scholarships. So I went to the website, as directed, and found stories about scholarships, links to other scholarship sites and nothing (perhaps I didn't pursue it hard enough) that linked me to a site where I could actually learn about how to apply for a scholarship. The website is not exactly well-maintained. Every page started with a "sorry" message telling me that if the graphics aren't working I should click on the link, which took me to another page that said "sorry". So, I'm not sure if the sorry messages would have once led me to more information, but today they do not. At any rate, J&J says they have raised more than $15 million in nursing scholarships, but I can't find the links to apply. I encourage students on the list to visit the site and see if they can find some money. If you find it, please apply for some of it.
One article in the report says that nursing satisfaction has improved since 2002, but does not indicate how they know that. There are no numbers in this article. In fact there are no numbers in this book except as they relate to how many dollars, how many visits to J&J websites, how many t-shirts (100K) or bumper stickers (350K) they have distributed. But when they talk about nurses and their evaluation of their chosen profession they talk about nurses in magnet hospitals being more likely to recommend nursing as a profession (how much more?) and nurses in understaffed hospitals being less satisfied (how much less?). And nurses have not really changed in the way they rate their relationships with doctors and other nurses (about half call that relationship very good or excellent) since 2002.

So after looking at their material I still have basically the same question I had in the first place -- what has the campaign done for nursing? Well, besides developing an iPhone app called Happy Nurse.
I always have thought J&J were in our corner....shows just how wrong I have been !

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